- LOVE LETTERS directed by Gail Kumpel; first production performed at the Rockwall Community Playhouse facility (June 1998)
- SNOW WHITE (Teen Theater) directed by Marilyn Ford (July 1998)
- Kids Conference Workshop directed by Kelly Keese at Barton on Boydstun (July 1998)
- MIRACLE WORKER directed by Becky Henderson (July 1998)
- SWITCHED AT THE CROSSROADS (Talent Show and Melodrama) directed by Darlene Singleton (October 1998)
- CACTUS FLOWER directed by Felicia Peirce (November 1998)
- I HATE HAMLET directed by Darlene Singleton (February 1999)
- MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING directed by John Regan; performed at the Courtyard of the Rockwall County Library, Kaufman Civic Theater, Heath City Park (March 1999)
- FOREVER PLAID directed by Olivia Barstow (April 1999)