RCP is an all volunteer community theatre.
Additional Ticket Information:
Call RCP at 972-722-3399 to leave a message
Mainstage & Teen Performances: Adults: $25 Seniors (Adults 62+) & Students/Children: $20
Children Workshop performances: All Ages: $10
Children’s Summer Musical performances: All Ages: $15
S.T.A.R. performances: All Ages $10
VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
**Purchasing online please note that Credit Card Fees Apply**
NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES FOR ANY PERFORMANCE — by purchasing a ticket, you agree to assume all risks incidental to the event for which a ticket is sold.
All sales are final. RCP does not issue refunds or exchanges of tickets for any reason. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to assume all risks incidental to the event for which a ticket is sold. NOTE: Unclaimed tickets are the property of RCP and may be resold by RCP.
NO RECORDING DEVICES, CAMERAS, OR VIDEO CAMERAS ARE PERMITTED. Due to licensing and federal copyright laws, the use of cameras, video, recording devices, and cellular phones, is strictly forbidden and enforced!
Since each patron holds individual viewpoints, ROCKWALL COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE cannot determine the appropriateness of each production for them and their family members, including children. While we strive to make each production appropriate for all audiences, some include adult subject matter and language. We encourage every patron to research our shows prior to purchasing tickets and attending our performances and then choose whether it is appropriate for their family or group.
RCP parking lot is adjacent to the theatre – please note parking is limited. Additional parking is available at the Dobbs Elementary School parking lot directly east of the theatre on Rusk Street. Please do not park in front of the private homes surrounding or near the theatre facility on Rusk Street or Clark Street.
Your seats are guaranteed until five (5) minutes prior to the start of each show. Five (5) minutes prior to curtain time, unused seats are released for sale to patrons on the waitlist. If you arrive after this time, there is no guarantee of seating and there are no refunds for tickets purchased. The RCP Lobby opens 30 minutes prior to each performance for your convenience.
Lobby and Box Office doors open 30 minutes before show time. Occasionally tickets become available prior to each performance and these may be purchased at the door. Fees apply if purchased at door with a credit card.
Regulating the temperature of the RCP theatre is a tricky matter due to the age of our building. so the a/c can be kind of spotty. Plan on layers – if it’s frigid you’ll be fine & if it’s warm you can peel.
Due to the nature of live theatre, programs, performers, dates, and times are subject to change. RCP reserves the right to cancel or reschedule offerings at its sole discretion. No refund applies if a performance is rescheduled. In the event that an event is cancelled and is not rescheduled, or tickets are not honored at a future performance date for the same production, you may receive a refund of your ticket price.