RCPs STAR Players program is conducted for adults 16+ years with Down syndrome in the Rockwall-Rowlett-Garland area. Each year the RCP STAR Players produce a full-production musical! This group of unique actors spends two weeks rehearsing for a production and then they step out onto the stage to perform in front of an audience. The musical productions have one main goal in mind: to avoid the regular trap of either making the audience sympathize with or stare at those with disabilities. Over the years we have watched these young adults walk into the theater unsure of the outcome and then we watch them perform with such talent and desire to succeed. Assisting the STAR Players are “The Buddies” who help the actors onstage with lines and movement. The experience for the ‘Buddies’ has been life-changing for many of them.

The STAR Players is a tuition based program. Scholoarships are available but limited.